The Poetry of Dividends

Dividends are not typically the subject of poetry, but given how the current stock market is waxing eloquent about yield, we would not be surprised to see dividends surface in modern prose.

Cautious on High Yielders in Sideways Market (Financial Post)

Following major market mania conditions, stocks historically capitulate then move sideways in an incredibly volatile manner for at least 15 years. Kim Shannon, chief investment officer at Sionna Investment Managers, believes we are in year 12 of just such a market.

Energy Infrastructure – What a Great Year to be “Boring”

The energy infrastructure sector enjoyed a banner year in 2011 and significantly outperformed the broader market. These “boring” infrastructure businesses, which includes utilities, pipelines, and energy storage and processing, posted total returns of 20 to 40 per cent for the year.

A Tale of Two Selves

The natural question is: why do investors believe that their risk tolerance is higher than it is? We believe that this inconsistency is related to something that we have long argued at Sionna, which is that the markets reflects human nature as much as underlying fundamentals.

Caveat Emptor – Let the Buyer Beware

As our client, we want to share with you our concerns about aspects of market activity that suggest that exposure to securities lending may be imprudent for the next several months.

La revanche des titres à dividende (La Presse)

Quand ça joue dur à la Bourse, il vaut mieux miser sur une stratégie défensive, sur des sociétés robustes qui versent des dividendes élevés. Quels titres repêcher ? Trois gestionnaires nous présentent les joueurs étoiles au Canada, aux États-Unis et en Europe.

Is Buy and Hold Dead?

After a lost decade of stock market returns, investors may wonder whether the “buy and hold” approach to investing is dead. Of course, it is not uncommon for the investment community to question the merits of long-term investing during periods of high volatility.

Dividend Stocks Make a Comeback (La Presse)

When the stock market heats up, wise investors adopt a defensive strategy and focus on solid companies that pay big dividends. But how do you find these companies? Three investment managers have selected stars for us in Canada, the United States, and Europe. (Translation of "La revanche des titres à dividende").

Sideways Market Can Bring Decent Returns (Globe and Mail)

This one's for all the investors who are thinking about getting out of the stock market. Don't do it.

Stocks have hurt many people in the past few years, but they're still an essential portfolio component if you can wait at least five or 10 years and you can stand more ups and downs. It's not just me saying so.

Why are the Markets so Volatile?

We believe that we are in year eleven of a sideways or range bound market. Range bound markets are characterized by volatility and historically have lasted a minimum of 15 years.